$4,800 Fine For Socialising And Causing Annoyance During CB

Image by Today
A 24-year-old man, Navarro Charles Josef Guimere, a Singapore permanent resident, pleaded guilty for 2 charges after he decided to socialized with 5 colleagues after their restaurant closed for the day during Circuit breaker time.
The two charges of meeting others on social purpose on April 19 and causing annoyance while drunk in a public place and drunkenly slammed his head on the boot of a police car was fined $4,800 on June 22. During the incident that day, after Navarro left with 1 of his colleague, he decided to lie on the public pathway to sleep. As police officers and paramedics arrive later to wake him up, he refused to go home and challenge the police to arrest him.
For verbally abusing the police officer, he could have been fined up to S$5,000, jailed up to a year, or faced both penalties. While for causing annoyance while drunk, he could have been fined up to S$1,000, jailed up to six months, or received both punishments.