GrabFood Rider Stuck In Life Get Saved By Customer
As we all understand that being a food delivery rider isn’t easy this day especially when you are receiving an overwhelming single customer order which might take up a heavy load at the bag behind you.
These stories were hilarious for one GrabFood Rider as he trying to enter into the lifetime, due to his bag weight was too much. His bag somehow stuck as he is inside the lift with his bicycle, therefore he tried to lift his bicycle in a standing position which ended him stuck in a totally weird position and remained stuck due to the bicycle was pressing against his body with the delivery bag weighing him down.
Thankfully, the customer somehow appears on the lift and helped him out from his awkward situation as seen from the photo, the customer was laughing while trying his best to aid the rider from that weird stuck position.
This indeed makes up a great hilarious day for someone who are suppose to deliver food for the day.