During this outbreak time of Covid-19, we are yet facing another serious disease of dengue outbreak. As the National Environment Agency (NEA) recently reported a high number of cases on the last month of May. Which is something quite worrying for us here.
This stories of a 28-year-old, Amanda Poh as she shares her story on the NEA Stop Dengue Now Facebook page on June 3. She was having a dine out with her friend at the Alfresco dining area as she reported that she got bitten by a mosquito which she thought of nothing serious from it.
One the next few days, she discovered that her colleagues who went out together on that night were inspected with dengue infections. And on the same day, Poh started to feel nauseous and feverish as she believes that it was form food poisoning which leads her to went off to her bed and rest. But her condition got worst on the following days as her visit to a nearest clinic with blood tests come back with positive results on dengue infections.
She was then referred to Changi General hospital for further diagnosis and she worries as there was no medication for dengue and yet she has an incoming 6 days trip to Hokkaido which is coming due soon.
Fortunately, Poh condition stabled and she managed to continue with her oversea trips.