From 13 June 2020, Couple Can Have Their Solemnization of Marriages at 14 Selected Mosques.
With the current situation during Covid-19, it has been a great challenge for those soon-to-be wedded couples including the Malay/Muslims community. As some have to delay their wedding till a later day.

Assoc Prof Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim
But as the improvement of the current situation, the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) has worked closely with MUIS, in support for these couples needs. As from 13 June 2020, couple now can have their akad nikah (solemnization) at one of these selected 14 moques:
1. Al-Islah
2. Al-Istighfar
3. Alkaff Kampung Melayu
4. Darul Ghufran
5. An-Nahdhah
6. An-Nur
7. Assyafaah
8. Darul Makmur
9. Yusof Ishak
10. Al-Falah
11. Al-Iman
12. Al-Mukminin
13. Assyakirin
14. Darussalam

Both ROMM and the mosque however must ensure following a few safety measurement to minimize the spread of Covid-19. Which only 10 person (excluding the Kadi or Naib Kadi) and witnesses can be non-family members, while all others attendess must be immediate family members of the couple.

But still, Assoc Proc Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim still advise couple to consider solemnization by video-link as this is still the safer way for everyone. As a lot of couples has asked for the resumption of the face-to-face session with their Naib Kadis on video link. The Malay/Muslim community has show its resilience in adapting these new changes in the face of Covid-19. Perhaps this will be a great new exposure to all new wedding couples.