Neon Light Installation at Malay Heritage Centre Inspire by The History of Kampong Glam and Old Bazaars
source mhc
source mhc
With the Hari Raya is just around the corner, the Malay Heritage Center (MHC) is celebrating with a range of online and on-site events. The centrepiece of this year’s celebration is a neon light installation that channels some seriously gorgeous Hari Raya vibes. The event of Lap Lip 2021: An Iconic Landmark Installation where this installation is inspired by the architectural landscape of Kampong Gelam and features patterns by Malay motifs design by local artist Reza Hasni.
There is a space in the centre of the installation for visitors to reflect while the soundscapes transport them to the vibrant bazaars of past Ramadans. This installation is available till June 13. Other than this there are other Hari Raya activities at the Malay Heritage Centre including the Hari Raya Open House 2021 where you can look forward to craft activities like making ketupat, hand puppets and batik.
There are also some local percussion band NADI Singapura play the traditional Malay drums and percussion instruments of the region and even try your hand at composing your own music. This event will be held at the Malay Heritage Centre Auditorium on May 8, May 29, June 5, and June 12. Visitors have to pre-register here.
source mhc
source nadiSingapura