9 Local Plants Parents Available on Instagram to Follow For Home Gardening Inspiration
Singaporean are starting to fall in love with gardening and plants were caring for a garden and having some greenery in your space is good for the mind and soul where it keeps you active, purifies the air, and promotes calm and serenity. Here is where you can find some Instagram plant parents to follow for regular green ideas and experiences.
Weird and Wonderful Edibles
Photograph: Kashmira Kasmuri
If you have bigger dreams for your home gardens then check out this site wherewith her narrow rooftop was flourish with herbs, vegetables, visiting bees, and even a little rock pool of fish and aquatic plants.
Brian’s Garden Adventures
Intrepid tropical gardener (@briansgardenadventures)
Avid gardener Brian Thain is hoping to inspire all on how to enjoy home gardening in Singapore where he gardens on a larger scale too and various green projects.
Crazy Plant Addict
Plant and philosophy (@crazyplantaddict)
Here you can find this intimate and moody with crazy plant addict where you can find sprawling potted plants in the home with foliage taken outdoors transporting you to a familiar place like Coney Island.
Fancy Pansy
Joyful fruits and blooms (@fancypansy_sg)
This home gardener Haslinda has a private sanctuary where she grows long beans, eggplants, jalapenos, orchids, and other edible and flowering plants too. She even has a small outdoor kitchen where she cooks up simple meals using the produce from her own garden.
Happily Ever After Plants
A leaf litter (@happily.ever.after.plants)
These plants here are mostly on beautiful leaves from pink ones to more where was taken care of by Jasmine and sometimes there she gives away free cutting and whole potted plants too.
Cacti of my eye (@fsj.green)
If you love cactus then check out this site where you can find all, mighty, small, and cute and some even are charmingly cute too.
Garden sleep city (@murochkainsg)
Here you can find every all and surface being covered into a beautiful tangle of plants were leaves and vines spill from post and hanging pricing a nature-filled space from work from home and more here.
Tyco Tat
A hanging garden (@greenvertluk)
This Singapore-based Canadian designer was once a shining example of how to nurture hundreds of plant babies without a spacious balcony, rooftop, or backyard and he has since moved to a larger place now he has his mini botanic garden.
Fish and things (@tanksforthemmrs)
Here you can find some fish children tools and if you love marine animals and plants, here you can find a steady stream of post featuring her collection of houseplants as well as fish tank with lovingly scaped underwater garden.