Funeral Director Explain How the One and Only Choa Chu Kang Cemetery Burials Are Conducted
Harmony Funeral Care/YouTube
Choa Chu Kang Cemetery is the one and only cemetery open for burials in Singapore, where a youtube video on March 19 reveals how the funeral process of these traditional soil burial system works by the Funeral Director Harmony Tee. As in the past, coffin is lowered into the soil and the soil is covered on top of the coffin. However, now coffin are lowered into rectangular concrete crypts instead of soil plots where soil will be placed on top of the coffin.
Tee mentioned that this burial system helps to manage families to not mistaken to paying respect to the wrong graves and unlike other countries where they can choose their own plot of lands, here it only works with a system and it will cost $940 to have a plot of burial land and it has limited leasehold of 15 years before the remains have to be exhumed and cremated.
Harmony Funeral Care/YouTube
Harmony Funeral Care/YouTube