Humongous Wild Boar Spot At Muslim Cemetery Which is Half a Human Height
source Ayle N AiDa / FB
With the earlier news about wild boar attacking people during hiking or jogging. Recently, a netizen shared that there is a huge wild boar spotting resting in the Muslim cemetery area which in the photo the wild board as thick hair running down in its back and were spotted resting at the Muslim cemetery at Lim Chu Kang.
source Ayle N AiDa / FB
The netizen who capture the photo mentioned that the wild boar has the size half of his height which is huge and those who encounter wild boars in the wild should keep a distance and not approach them, especially female wild boars with piglets, as they tend to be more aggressive. Members of the public may call the Animal Response Centre at 1800-476-1600 to report any wild boar encounters.
source Ayle N AiDa / FB