Wang Lei Forbidden to Sell products in China after A Businessman Stole his Trademark
The famous getai singer who has expanded into his own line of product somehow got something weird when he is trying to register his Mai Yu Ge trademark in Malaysia, China, Taiwan and Singapore on July 2020. However, he suddenly received news that his registration had not only rejected in China but also a copy of an existing logo which is same as his product.
Because of this, he was unable to sell his product in the country and because of this, Wang Lei had to recall his goods or they would be confiscated as counterfeits. The singer mentioned that he has been using the logo since April 2020 which were designed by a Malaysian netizen. Later Wang Lei hired a Chinese lawyer to appear his case but he lost the case and he also found out that the Mai Yu Ge logo was resisted in June 2020 by a Fujian businessman which is just one month before Wang Lei submitted it himself.
大家都知道我卖鱼哥这个logo是马来西亚的一个网民帮我设计的,也是我出来网卖就有了,也就是说从去年4月这个logo就是属于我的,在去年7月我们就在马来西亚,大陸,台湾,新加坡这4个地方注册成为我的卖鱼哥的商标logo…Posted by Wang Lei 王雷 on Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Wang Lei later warned his followers about a fish product which appear in China and a businessman has allegedly stole his trademark which he hopes that he can give him back the trademark because he is stealing from him in broad daylight.