Sang Nila Utama has Animated Series that Reimagines Well-Loved Singaporean Tales
The Fantastic Fables of the Southern Seas where the four part animated series that reimagines well loved Singaporean tales as the series were directed by Koh Chong Wu, animated by Nanyang Animation, and illustrated by artists at A Good Citizen. Where the first three episode cover the story of Sang Nila Utama, Sisters’ island (Pulau Subar Laut and Pulau Subar Darat) and The Legend of Bukit Merah.
The animated videos are full of reference to Singapore and symbolic motifs about the legends. Where the Nilo, a captain of spaceship who has been woke up from his cryogenic sleep by the Artificial Intelligent navigation system. And as he escaped and speed towards a planet that miraculously witness a nebula that look like Merlion.
Viewers also can see the legend of the Sisters’ Island which is adapted into the steampunk tale of two sister living amongst floating island and motorized flying ships and vehicles.