Rejoice as we are listed in as #1 in the World. What’s the story? Singapore’s Street Food Ranks World Number 1 Among Business Travellers
Based on the Global business magazine CEOWorld , where the publisher has issued a brand new index for its business orientated readers on which country they think that has the best street food.
Basically it’s not they think but the magazine went around asking more than 90,000 business and corporate travellers which country’s street food they enjoyed most. And eventually, the results turns out to be Singapore as their favourite.
What’s even better that Singapore also out ranked the other hot favourite countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam or Hong Kong too!
But then again, just remember that this survey reflects the tastes of business travellers, not every traveller. Some people might think differently and we can’t really make a real comparison. To us, the ‘best’ street food is very subjective as each person doesn’t have the same taste bud.
What do you think of this ranking? Do you tend to agree or disagree on this?