WhatsApp Controversy As Telegram now has 500 Million User with 25 Million Sign ups within 72 Hours Alone
If you have missed out, WhatsApp is currently under fire for their new terms and privacy policy due to the app introduced recently. Where the updated terms are mainly center around the integration with Facebook’s family of apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram and user are not happy with it.
Due to privacy concern, there are also possibility that Facebook might have introduced ads onto the WhatsApp platform where it will make sense due to the company. With this, 25 million users has switched over to Telegram within 72 hours. Where Telegram now has hit the 500 million user mark, which means around 25 million new sign ups happened within 72 hours and this is mostly due to the controversy surrounding WhatsApp and Facebook’s new terms.
The Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has responded to the sharp uptake in numbers by explaining that a couple of important aspects and the company is updating their servers and infrastructures to handle the now increasing load of new user. According to Durov, these changes will be hardly noticeable by users, and it will be done in a “non-intrusive way”. Features that are currently free will continue to be free of charge, but it looks like Telegram will be adding business-centric features as part of the monetization process.