Ghost or Impersonator Revealed in China As A Student Who has Died in An Accident Still Attends Zoom Class and Submitting Homework
If you ever cross to a point where after a student of a school who has just recorded good results after an exam, but one a few days later you just got the news that the study was actually passed away due to accidents and still after the continuous few days, you can still receive homework from the student and notice that the student actually attending the zoom classes too. Pretty frightening right, as all your hair, might starts to stand up like you are basically reading some ghost stories.
Well, there is a case where a Chinese lecturer in New York shared an unbelievable and creepy incident on Weibo, the China famous social media platform where a Chinese student has passed away a month ago and yet, the student is still attending his zoom online lesson and even manage to submit all homework and sent an email to the lecturer.
Which only last Monday, only did the lecturer know about the student who actually got killed in an accident in November as with the recent that the student still able to submit the assignment and earn extra credits for her academy year. Which somehow the lectures freaked out receiving emails from the ghost student and they reported the matter to the management. And the management decided to take action towards the one who is behind the person who is submitting the homework for the student and the truth it happens that it was not some ghost or supernatural thing but it was actually someone who was paid to do the job which including attending classes and submitting homework and the so-called impersonator is actually a business in the today technology world.
As there is a big loophole for online classes now, where no physical attendances are required so this impersonator can easily provide service to work on a certain assignment, attend class and even pass through the entire subject and you just need to provide them with the login ID and password and pay them.
As a media outlet do a search on Canada online classes there are over 6.9 million relevant search results and you will also notice there are taglines such as guarantee credit score, one-stop solutions, or education guardian where there are actually companies or syndicates out there helping these Chinese International students who are desperate to pass their course and too lazy to do the homework or studying but can somehow pay up for the impersonator.