KNS Restaurant in Jurong Suspended due to Cockroach Infestation found in the shop
Those who are staying on the far west side of Singapoe will be familiar with the KNS restaurant which is a popular Indian-Muslim eatery located at a Jurong Multi-storey carpark. Recently there is a discovery of cockroach infestation here and the eatery failed to register one of their staff which results that the KNS restaurant will reopen back on 28 December.
Back in June, SFA has found that the restaurant had accumulated 18 demerit points within just a 1 year time, and these demerits points were reported due to 3 separated offenses which 2 of it involved fail to prevent a cockroach infestation in its premises as any establishment which is found to have accumulated 12 or more demerits points with 12 months will have their license suspended for 2-4 weeks or even revoked.
Other than this, the KNS restaurant is also fined $1,200 for the above offenses and their staff will be undergoing and pass the Singapore Workforce skill Qualifications (WSQ) food & beverages Hygiene Audit too.
While this restaurant might come as bad news but it might be necessary to outer eateries out there to maintain a healthy and hygienic eating place for the community. Let just hope that KNS restaurant will learn from their mistakes and improve into a better restaurant.