66 Counters Being Set Up For Singaporean To Redeem $100 Domestic Tourism Vouchers
The Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Alvin Tan mentioned that there will be an ambassador stationed on the new 66 counters for all Singaporeans to redeem their $100 Domestic Tourism voucher. This is to ensure that at least one redemption point in each public housing town to smoothen the redemption process.
These counter which will be set up by Klook Travel Technology, UOB Travel Planners, Changi Travel Services, GlobalTix, are all booking platforms which will offer both physical and digital touchpoints. And there will be social service and organizations and People’s Associations (PA) to help seniors who are staying alone to claim their vouchers too.
Mr. Tan also mentioned that the use of SingPass will provide extra security authentication for the distribution of vouchers and STB is working with government agencies to ensure the safeguards against fraud and protecting the senior citizen from being swindled of their vouchers.
All citizen are advised to use the voucher to art-related activities which can be used at museum and galleries too, and the vouchers are valid over the seven months which covers the validity of usage on December and June school holidays too.