SingHealth PolyClinics Nurse Sewing Face Mask For Charity Despite Busy Schedule
As face masks are becoming one of the necessary items nowadays, while there will be a lot of folks which unable or not able to afford 3 ply surgical masks all the time. Therefore, Sing Health Polyclicns nurse has somehow volunteered to make a cloth face mask and donate them to charity by selling each for $10.
Ms. Tan, 64 who is behind this program told that she has the idea during the circuit breaker period and presents it to her colleague for Nurse Day in August. After that she started to the thought of an idea and why not she gather nurse to do something to contribute back to the patient that they were serving.
As first the small groups spend on their lunch hour and after work or weekend to assembling and sewing these marks which are around 90 pcs of it. But eventually, the whole project keeps on going as more nurse joins in this event, which eventually it went up to a total of 430 masks were completed. This mask which was sold will be channeled into Gift of Family Funds which will helps needy patients.
