Yes .. you can now plan your holiday to go jalan jalan and shopping at Australia because it’s the lowest end today! In case you didn’t know, the exchange rate is S$1.00 = AUD1.11.
If you’re one of those people who are studying in Australia or planning to travel to Australia then this weaker Australian dollar is good news for you and there is no better time to stock up then now! In case you didn’t know, there was once a upon a time where $1 SGD can change to $0.74 AUD but that was back in 2012. Now this is the record low for AUD vs SGD
The weakened Australian dollar could be due to a drop in crude oil prices as Saudi Arabia launches a price war against Russia, reported CNBC.
So even you are not travelling, make sure you also share this with your friends and family who are heading there soon. Let them know so that they can stock up on the AUD with this low exchange.