The news is that the Isetan has officially issued them a notice to quit and their tenancy has since been terminated. This is due to the payment issue.
Some fact on this Japan Food Town is that it is occupying 20, 075 square feet food hall on the 4th level of Isetan Singapore at Wisma Atria and it’s hosting 16 restaurants. Each of these offered a well-curated Japanese dishes and more importantly, the food here is wallet-friendly prices.
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Well patronised by both locals and Japanese who wanted a taste of home, the food hall provided diners with a taste of authentic Japanese cuisine without having to leave sunny Singapore.
But it’s really a waste that they’ve now closed down the entire concept. This is actually a well thought out, and the featured restaurants did serve some really good food.
In case if you want to visit try this out, you can actually head down to KL where the have the same concept there in KL. Not sure bout the food quality but would pressume it’s the same since it’s the same from Isetan