This is a good news where you could be eligible for $100 credits celebratory Gifts for NSmen. This is a special news from Singapore Atrium, where you can redeem your $100 CG credits from a variety of vouchers and voucher code
This is a special gift from MINDEF/SAF where they wants to celebrate your special milestone with you and your family, through the Celebratory Gifts (CG) for NSmen.
But of course there are some certain criteria that you would need to meet in order for you to be eligible for this special Credit Celebratory Gifts. The criteria that enable you to eligible for the Celebratory Gifts if they:
- Legally register their marriage
- Welcome a newborn
- Adopt a child on or after 1 Jan 16
Beisdes that, they must also meet the following criteria at the time of the marriage, birth of the newborn or
- Attended at least one NS activity2 in the last three work years (WYs);
- Must not have received an ‘E’ grading for any In-Camp Training (ICT) attended in the last three WYs;
- Have not been phased into MHA Reserve3
- Have not committed serious civil and military offences.
One note is that for those who are eligible, you will be received SMS notification to inform them of their eligibility for Celebratory Gifts for NSmen. For those who didn’t received the SMS, means you’re not eligible 😅. Upon receiving the SMS notification, you will need to submit one form for the full redemption of one award.
Do take note that if you have submitted multiple forms for the same award, the first form submitted will be processed.
You can check out the full details @ but the site is under maintenance on 10th November till 23:59. You can check the details once the site is up.