Nimeshop Luxury Bags Sale. Here is your chance to check out the Luxury Bag of the 2011/2012 Autumn/Winter Latest Collection organized by the Nimeshop! There will be wide selection of bags and children wear at attractive prices.
Luxury City Branded Bags & Perfumes Sale. Here is the Luxury City 1st ever Raffles Place Weekday Sale and it will be happening this week. With up to 70% off during this handbag sale. There will be branded handbags and perfumes up for grab during this sale.
Bagsurprise Handbag Sale. Check out the Luxury Bag sale happening this weekend. This is a 1 day only clearance sale with 600 authentic bags for sale during this sale.
- Luxury Bag Sale. Here is another chance for your to get some of those lovely designer bags as the Luxury is having it’s Bag Sale happening this weekend. With discount up to 75% off during this sale. With over 600 latest edition & authentic bags for sale
Luxury City Designer Handbags & Perfume Sale. GSS is ending but Luxurycity never stops presenting awesome handbag sales! Come over to their event, Luxury City Designer Handbags & Perfume Sale on this coming weekend. There will be more than 500 brand new and authentic handbags will be there. With up to 70% off during this sale. Branded perfumes also will be on sale.
LovethatBag Luxury Bag Sale. Here is the 1 day only Luxury Bag Sale in conjunction with the Great Singapore Sale, with Massive Mark Down, New Arrival up to 75% off!
Nimeshop Luxury Bags Sale. Here is a one day sale with Nimeshop on the latest bag collection. During this sale, there will be discounts up to 70% off on various handbag brands from Autumm/Winter Collection
Exclusive Designer Sale. Here is a special Invitation to Exclusive Designer Sale. This is an exclusive for Vpost Members. With up to 70% discount off on various of the designer Items.
Happy Nurses Day Promotion. Jess.Ng is having a promotion for all Hospital Staff for Nurses Day! There will be 10% off for all Coach, Kate Spade and Longchamp items! All you need to to is just produce your hospital staff pass to be entitled to the discount.
NimeShop End of Season Sale. Here is another handbag sale happening this weekend. Come over to the NimeShop End of Season Sale and check out this sale happening. There will be great lot of discount. Present this original cut out and you can enjoy $50 off any 2 bags with min value of $250 each.
BeSurprise Designer Handbag Sale. There is another handbag sale happening this weekend, which is held by the BeSurprise. There will be up to 70% off during this sale.
BeSurprise Designer Handbag Sale. Hunting for a new designer bag? Here comes the BeSurprise Designer Handbag Sale. With over over 600 latest edition and authentic bags for sale. During this sale, there will be up discount up to 70% off.
NimeShop Designer Bag Sale. Nimeshop want you to be thrilled over this weekend’s bag sale. With New 2011/2012 Autumn/Winter Latest Collection will be for grab and discount up to 70% off during this handbag sale.