Brandsfever Singapore are having their Handbags Warehouse Sale now. Enjoy discounts up to 80% on shoes & handbags clearance such like brands of Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel, Gucci, Coach, Celine, Bottega Veneta, Chloe, Mulberry, Marc Jacobs, Longchamp, Kate Spade, Ralph Lauren and many more.
- Date: 8th August 2014
Time: 10am until 9pm
Venue: Mandarin Orchard, Level 5, Grange Ballroom - Date: 9th August 2014
Time: 10am to 9pm
Venue: Grand Park Orchard, Orchard I Room, Level 4
GST Tax refund available.
Payment by NETS, cash and Credit Cards.
Call at 9146 7649 for more enquiries.
Date: 8th August 2014 to 9th August 2014
For those who are unable to visit the sale promotion event, you can always grab some great deals thru the Online Deals in Singapore at the link:

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