Enjoy With minimum spend both in-store or online, receive an exclusive The Cocoa Trees collectible umbrella and an assortment of Christmas pouches and many more. Please Go and Check it Out now.
The Cocoa Trees
Come on down to our Christmas Market booth and many more. Please Go and Check it Out now.
Enjoy $20 off sitewide at www.thecocoatrees.com with minimum spend of $100! A 3-day only online shopping spree awaits you and many more. Please Go and Check it Out now.
Tell us which is your favourite pairing below and stand to win $20 The Cocoa Trees Singapore vouchers and many more. Please Go and Check it Out now.
Simply get your FREE Caricature drawing and nail art sticker with minimum spend of $50 nett in a single receipt at selected The Cocoa Trees Outlets. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts up to 70% on candies, chocolates, sweets and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts up to 70% on chocolate, candy, snacks and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts up to 48% on selected chocolate, snacks, candy and many more.
National Day Promotion – The Cocoa Trees Singapore – to -
Collect a stamp with every $20 spent and redeem free gifts for every 3 stamps collected.
Enjoy discounts up to 30% on all regular price items storewide now. Please go and check it out now.
Products that offer are Hawaiian Host Harmoni 200g, Frey Chocobloc Air 297g, Mentos Jumboroll 2 Pack 444g, Storcks Toffifee 200g, M&M’s Choco Dispenser 90g and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Brands that offer are Toblerone, M&M’s, Droste, Swiss Delice, Belgian, Hawaiian Host, Ritter Sport, Goldkenn ,Hershey’s and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Products that offered are chocolate , candy , snacks , gift sets and many more. Please go and check it out now.