Products that offered are Professional cookware , Cutting and carving tools, Kitchen utensils and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Storewide Sale
Sale highlights are home theater system , LED TV , camera , gadget , electronics , home appliances , computer , laptop and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy up to 70% off at the John Little Red Hot Sale – Cardmembers’ Exclusive. Red Hot Sale $12 Voucher* – valid with $90 nett spend and Red Hot Sale $18 Voucher* – valid with $120 nett spend. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy storewide discounts of up to 70% at Carrefour Closing Down sale. Please go and check it out now.
Brands that offered are World of Sports , World of Outdoors , Mizuno , Columbia and Salomon. Please go and check it out now.
John Little is having its Red Hot Sale now.
Winter Time is having its Anniversary Sale now.
Francfranc is having its Spring Summer Collection Final Call Sale now.
Harvey Norman is having its Lets Save The Planet Sale now.
Key Power Sports opening its newest store at Changi City Point with brands like 2XU, Newton, Brooks and more!. Enjoy 20% off storewide during this month. Plus, clearance items up to 70% off.
Crocs 10th Anniversary Sale. Crocs is celebrating it’s 10th Anniversary and want you all to rejoice with them. Starting on the 10th of February 2012, the first 10 customers at Marina Bay Sands, Marina Square, Plaza Singapura, Tampines Mall, United Square and Vivocity to purchase a pair of Crocs will receive their second pair, FREE! The reset will receive a 10% off on all item storewide
Tracyeinny storewide sale has started! Over 1000 designs to choose from with offering 40% off excluding items from Latest Collection and Backorders. Simply key in {TEPOSTCNY40} upon checkout to enjoy storewide discount!
Calling Members of Mini Toons, Mini Bits, Mini Princess, almost 50% off storewide just for you! Enjoy this offer till 30 December 2011. For non-members, you can also get the member card and enjoy subsequent purchases at the member discounted price with spent $50 nett in a single receipt.