The RunBikeSwim Expo will be happening from 11 May to 13 May 2012. Look out for this special event with great bargains on sports shoes, training apparel, energy supplements, outdoor gear, sunglasses, healthcare and more. Make down now, you are not to missed!
Singapore Expo
Come and check out Travel Malaysia 2012 @ Singapore Expo from 11 May to 13 May 2012. You might not want to miss this if you are planning for a short holiday to Malaysia during the school holidays with your family. Please book early to enjoy the early bird discount. It’s available from 10am to 10pm. See your there.
50 Plus Electronics Fair @ Singapore Expo officially start today. Brands offered are Samsung, Toshiba, Canon, Nikon, Acer, Dell, Fujifilm, Casio, LG, Philips, Sony and many more. 5000 top brand electronics items selling at subsidized price $50 per day. Wait no more, hurry dead down to check it out if you are looking for subsidized gadgets.
MyBagEmpire Designer Bag Sale. MyBagEmpire presents Gucci, Prada, Miu Miu, Coach, Kate Spade, Longchamp & more. Stand a chance to win a Longchamp Limited Edition Autour de Ha Long Medium Handbag when you Like & Share this post in Facebook. Please check out their Facebook page for more details.
Getaway with fantastic travel deals and free luggage with your ANZ Credit Card at NATAS Travel 2012. Going on a holiday has its own rewards, when you use your ANZ Credit Card at NATAS Travel 2012 from 24 to 26 February. Get more room to shop with complimentary luggage*, when any NATAS Travel deal is charged to your ANZ Credit Card. Visit us at Booth B03 to redeem your gifts.
OCBC is offering free hardcase luggage when you use OCBC cards for your holiday package during NATAS Travel Fair 2012. Simply charge to OCBC Cards and redeem one of these fabulous luggage from OCBC at NATAS!
The NATAS Travel Fair 2012 will starts from this Friday, 24 February 2012. NATAS Travel 2012 brings together travel specialists, tour operators and national tourism organizations to present to you popular and unique travel destinations around the region and the world. Do drop by and check out lots of discounts over there.
John Little Mega Expo Sale 2012. Make sure you make your way to the John Little Mega Expo Sale 2012 happening starting tomorrow. You can enjoy up to 50% off during this expo with variety of products offered.
Megatex IT & Electronic Warehouse Sale. All you people out there, make sure you don’t miss out the Megatex IT & Electronic Warehouse Sale happening now. With up to 80% off during this warehouse sale on various IT & Electronics Products!
Come and check out the Haute Avenue Designer Handbags Sale with discounts up to 70%. Brands are include Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Celine, Chanel, Chloe, Coach, DKNY, Kate Spade and many more. Plus, enjoy additional discounts if you flash your UOB, OCBC and M1 cards. It’s a one day sale. Please come early before your favourite brands gone.
The John Little Mega Expo Sale is here! Come over and enjoy big bargains for everyone. It’s start from 10.30am – 10pm.
Here is a sale that will put a smile on ladies’ face! Haute Avenue is having another sale on this Saturday. Haute Avenue presents Bottega Veneta, Celine, Chloe, Coach, DKNY, Gucci, Kate Spade and many more! Discounts are going up to 70% off. Come and grab some good bargain Designer Handbags before this Christmas.
MPH Books Clearance Sale with discount of up to 80%. This is the books sale you’ve been waiting for! It’s start from 9am – 9pm. Mark down now, you’re not to be missed!