The Metro Infant Fair. Metro is now offering the infant fair and enjoy up to 20% off on selected regular-priced baby products at the Metro Infant Fair. Plus, receive attractive freebies with our bundled deal offers on an exciting range of products! Shoppers with a minimum spend of $50 nett from the Children’s department at Metro City Square can enter their toddlers in the Poney Cutest Baby Competition to win attractive prizes worth a total of over $2500.
Metro Expo Sale. Now, it’s the turn for Metro. Metro is having it’s Metro Expo at the Singapore Expo. With great discount offered during the event. Public-Free Admission
Metro 3 Days Storewide Sale. I don’t mind attention. Especially taking the spotlight in the race for style. Fit your mood. 20% off store wide. 3 Days only. Extended Shopping hours till 10PM on all 3 days
Biotherm Big Deal. Biotherm is now offering An Exclusive Invitation Shopping Fever Plus Time at the Metro Paragon
30/8/2010 – 5/9/2010 | Metro – The Big Sale | Between Surprised and Big Sale, I choose Both. Obey your mood. With Discount Up to 70% off Storewide. Shoppers can look forward to great bargains on shoes and bags, and homewares, plus be tempted by the exciting gift with purchase offers at the cosmetics and skin care department.
24/8/2010 – 9/9/2010 | Metro – Hari Raya Aidilfitri Sale. In conjunction with the Hari Raya, Metro is now offering promotion sale on their product. Come over to check out all the sales details.