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SGD8 off with minimum spend of SGD20 at Lazada. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
Up to 20% off ala carte food menu. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
Up to 15% off ala carte food items. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
Up to 20% off a la carte food menu. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
Up to 15% off ala carte food items. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
Up to 15% off ala carte food items. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
Up to 15% off ala carte food items. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
15% off a la carte food menu. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
15% off ala carte food menu. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
Up to 20% off Grand Menu. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
10% off a la carte food menu and set menu. Please Go and Check it Out Now.
Enjoy $10 off dine-in and takeaway bill with min. spend of $80 . Please Go and Check it Out Now.