Luxury Handbag Sale. Check out the Charity Sale organized by the Nimeshop in support of the Project Hammer Fund Raising. During this sale, there will be up to 70% off for handbag, Shoes and clothing
August Sale
Stand a chance to win fabulous prizes like iPad2, Mini Cup at $2.50 (U.P.$5.00), 50% off at second scoop of BEN&JERRY’S & One’-for-one BEN&JERRY’S cup/cone with every purchase of a BEN & JERRY’S (worth $11) Combo includes 1 large popcorn, 1 large Coke, 1 Ben&Jerry’s mini cup, 1 Scratch&Win Card at GV Cinemas. Pick a movie and enjoy your combo deals!
Scholl End Of Season Sale. Here comes the Scholl End Of Season Sale and it’s back for the 2nd round this year. The Scholl End Of Season Sale will last 3 days and with discount of up to 50% off regular prices.
Club 21 Bazaar. The Sale for the Club 21 is back and presenting you the Club 21 Bazaar. Make sure you come over as there will be up to 90% off during this sale. If you are a Club 21 Member or HSBC Credit Cardholder, you can get the first hand preview it today.
Branded Sportswear & Footwear Warehouse Sale. Here is another Warehouse Sale happening this weekend. Check out the SaveOnShopping Branded Outlet Warehouse Sale. During this Warehouse Sale, there will be more than 20,000 new items with up to 80% discount! There will also be a wide selection of Branded Sportswear & Footwear.
Robinson Private Sale. Here is a good news for the Robinsons cardmembers as they are having the Private Sale now. This is only happening for one day. During this private sale, you can bring along 3 friends along and enjoy this sale. Aside from that, you will also receive $30 Voucher with $180 nett spend
The Body Shop Sale. Here comes the The Body Shop Sale happening this week with savings of up to 70%! Love Your Body™ Member Preview will start on 17 August from 11am to 12pm. This is THE sale not to be missed, so see you fans there!
Samsonite Travel Fair Check out the Samsonite Travel Fair happening now. If you are a Maybank card holder, you can enjoy 5% off sale item on this Fair.
BHG Korea Japan Fair. Are you one of the fashion lover and loving the fashions from Korea and Japan? Here is you chance to get some as the BHG is having the Korea Japan Fair. Here is where you can catch the latest fashion wear from Korea and Japan.
World Of Sports 20th Anniversary Sale. In celebration of the World of Sports 20th Anniversary, they are giving away 20% (on selected items) to General Public and additional 20% more for the World of Sports member.
Thai Airways Promotion. Here is your chance for a vacation. Check out the Thai Airways Promotion happening now. You can now enjoy and even better news if you are a Mastercard cardholder.
Times Bookstores National Day Promotion. Some good news for the book lover out there. Check out the Times Bookstores National Day Promotion. On this promotion, you are entitle for the 20% off on selected items.
Simmons Warehouse Sale. Are you having bad sleeps and in need for a new mattress? Why not come over and check out the Simmons Warehouse Sale happening now. There will be up to 75% off on various of bedding products.