Old Chang Kee Singapore is having their ShopeePay Discount Deals Vouchers. Old Chang Kee ShopeePay ShopeePay Discount Deals/Vouchers are now available on Shopee app! Simply check out “DEALS NEAR ME” tab on Shopee app and search for Old Chang Kee and you can purchase Old Chang Kee ShopeePay Discount Deals/Vouchers at attractive prices as low as 1 cent! Redeem these discount deals/vouchers at any Old Chang Kee outlet via “Shopee Scan & Pay” payment mode. For more details on how to buy and redeem these ShopeePay discount vouchers.
check out the video link: https://youtu.be/Fr6GtafZZm0
Date: 9th December 2021 Onward
Available at: Shopee App

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