NTUC FairPrice Singapore is having their Pet Boss Challenge Promotion. This month, celebrate your pets by joining our PetBossChallenge and win up to $100 OFF on pet supplies.
All you have to do is:
1. Follow us on TikTok @fairpricesg
2. Submit an original TikTok video using our “FairPrice Pet Boss Challenge” audio.
3. Tag @fairpricesg on TikTok with the hashtag #PetBossChallenge
4. Don’t forget to make your profile public and set your “mentions” open to everyone!
The contest ends on 23 May 2359, and the 10 funniest submissions will be selected as our winners on 26 May. Good luck to all the pets out there — let’s show them who’s the REAL boss No pets were harmed in the making of this. Terms and conditions apply https://bit.ly/3yjYErU
Date: 9th May 2022 to 23rd May 2022
Available at: NTUC FairPrice

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