LovethatBag Singapore are having theirs Luxury Handbags Warehouse Sale now. Enjoy discounts up to 75% on handbags brands like Prada, Gucci, Coach, Dior, Burberry, Chanel, Longchamp, Kate Spade and more.
Starts from 10am to 8pm.
Products that offering are shoes, fashion accessories, fashion apparels, handbags and many more.
Like LovethatBag Facebook Page and post, then “share” and comment on the post for a chance to win a Kate Spade Samsung S4 Case. Results will be announced on 7th April 2014.
Call at 9018 8745 or 6735 5800 for more enquiries.
Date: 6th March 2014 ( Sunday )
Venue: Mandarin Orchard Hotel, Grange Ballroom, Level 5, 333 Orchard Road, Singapore 238867

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