GameXtreme Singapore is having their Brand New PS4 Dualshock 4 Controller Deals. Brand New PS4 Dualshock 4 Controller Deals. Last 3 days. We are Gamextreme . playstation store. $54.90 Each for any colour! We take in spoil PS3 and PS4 controller. Add On ($12) For Delievery on the same day or next day. Add on $5 for poastage ( 3 to 7 days) register mail. Add on ($19) for additional USB Cable! ( optional ).
Colour available] FOR PS4
- Black
- Red camo
- Midnight blue
- Steel black
- Green camo
- White
- Red…
Date: 3rd June 2020 to 16th June 2020
Available at: GameXtreme Online Store

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