T.Cartel are having theirs Blogshop Clearance Sale Bazaar Event now. Enjoy discounts on fashion apparels, fashion accessories, shoes, sandals, jewellery, lifestyle products toys, kids products, kids apparels, pets products, handbags and many more.
Over 40 Blogshops on Sales.
They are giving out FREE mousepads, goodie bags, Asian Civilisation museum tickets and blinking LED candles (that cost $17 in the market) for all shoppers who come into their event! You’re right, they just need to come into their event, and they will give them the free stuffs. One of their marketing gimmicks to attract crowd.
Admission is FREE.
FREE Mysterious Gifts for all shoppers.
Concurrent Events:
- Branded wear sales in Ballroom 309 to 311 (opposite theirroom) [LEVEL 3]
- Crocs Sales in Ballroom 312 (near our room) [LEVEL 3]
- Gems and Jade Fair in Ballroom 303 (beside their room)[LEVEL 3]
- 50 Plus Lifestyle, Wellness and Travel event (Hall 401 –404) [LEVEL 4]
- Medical Show (Hall 405 – 406) [LEVEL 4]
- City Harvest Church in level 6 [LEVEL 6]
Starts from 11am to 9pm.
Date: 29th March 2014 to 30th March 2014
Venue: Suntec Convention Centre, Level 3, Ballroom 300 to 302, 1 Raffles Boulevard, Suntec City, Singapore 039593

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