Old Chang Kee Singapore is having their Exclusive Delivery Snacks Bundle Promotion. Always wonder what to order from Old Chang Kee as a snacks bundle for your friends and family? Why not order this $20 Delivery Snacks Bundle of which we will give you 1 Big Fish Onstik worth $2.20 for FREE! Simply just order this exclusive delivery snacks bundle from GrabFood, Deliveroo or Foodpanda and you don’t have to crack a headache over what snacks to order. This $20 bundle includes 2 X Chicken Mushroom’O, 2 X Sardine’O, 2 X Fishball Onstik, 2 X Cheezy Chicken Sausage Onstik, 2 X Chicken Nugget Onstik, 2 X Sotong Ball Onstik and 1 FREE Big Fish Ball Onstik. So what are you waiting for? Start order from GrabFood, Deliveroo or Foodpanda today!
PS. This promo delivery offer is valid from 16 Mar to 30 Apr 2021 while stocks last.
Date: 16th March 2021 to 30th April 2021
Available at: Old Chang Kee on GrabFood, Deliveroo or Foodpanda
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