Old Chang Kee Singapore is having their Dendeng Bak Kwa Chicken’O Promotion. Thank you for featuring Old Chang Kee Dendeng Bak Kwa Chicken’O.Thanks oldchangkeesingapore for sending over these delish. auspicious character stamped Dendeng Bak Kwa Chicken’Os. Receiving them already make me feel Heng Heng and Ong Ong. Gonna look for the and stamped Chicken’Os for the abundance of wealth. Dendeng Bak Kwa Chicken’O is savoury with a hint of spicy sweetness, bringing back traditional flavours of the Chicken Bak Kwa with a refined taste. $2.60 each.
Date: 11th January 2022 to 15th February 2022
Available at: All all Old Chang Kee outlets in Singapore

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