MOS Burger Singapore is having their Impossible Burger Promotion. Enjoy MOS Burger S’pore now selling plant-based Impossible Burger at $6.95 each and many more.
Japanese hamburger chain MOS Burger has just released a new burger here in Singapore.
It comes with a patty that looks and taste like beef but doesn’t actually contain any meat. Created by Impossible Foods, the new MOS Impossible Burger is now available at MOS Burger and MOS Cafe outlets islandwide.
Earlier this year, ice cream restaurant Swensen’s too launched their selections of Impossible Burger which starts from $14.90.
Cheapest Impossible Burger
It costs only $6.95 for the Impossible Burger at MOS Burger, which makes it the most affordable in town.
According to burger fans, the Impossible Burger tastes closest to a burger with a beef patty, although it’s completely made from soy and plant-based ingredients.
The plant-based burger has more protein, less total fat, no cholesterol, and fewer calories than a similar-sized hamburger patty made with beef. One of the key ingredients to Impossible Burger’s patty is leghemoglobin – the oxygen carrier and hemoprotein found in plants that actually tastes like blood.
Cooked with other patties
Do note that MOS Burger also states that the Impossible Burger’s patty is cooked with other patties (may contain meat) on the same grill, which also means strict vegans and vegetarians you might want to avoid it.
Only while stocks last.
Date: 11th December 2019 Onward
Available at: All MOS Burger outlets in Singapore
You can find a list of MOS Burger outlets here.

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